Is It Time for a New AC System?

AC system

When it comes to home comfort, no investment offers you a better value than an energy-efficient air conditioning system. With proper maintenance, it will perform well through many hot and sticky summers. If your AC system is getting on in years, however, keeping it chugging along can cost you. There comes a time when a replacement makes more financial sense. A new AC installation can significantly improve your comfort and save you a heap of money too.

Comfort Comes First

A cooling system that fails to meet your standards for comfort is a prime candidate for replacement. It’s not enough to beat the heat. When you live in Northern Virginia, a system that can keep humidity levels under control is a must. Today’s high efficiency systems come with features designed to keep you cool and dry 24/7:

  • Two-Stage Cooling. Air conditioners with two-stage compressors run on full power only on the hottest days of the year. The rest of the time, they operate on an energy-saving mode that can remove twice as much moisture from the air.
  • Variable-Speed Motors. Blowers powered by variable-speed motors keep the air moving at a consistent velocity, adjusting speeds according to your comfort needs. Slower air delivery allows the system to optimize humidity levels.
  • Right-Sized Systems. In the past, AC systems were often oversized to ensure they delivered adequate cooling. The problem with too-big systems is that they don’t run for long enough periods to reduce humidity. A new AC installation offers the opportunity to control humidity with a right-sized system.

Financial Savings

Thanks to advancements in technology, new AC systems are far more energy efficient than those made just a decade ago. Replacing outdated equipment can lower your cooling expenses by up to 40 percent. A replacement also saves you from the cost and inconvenience of unexpected AC repairs.

Humidity levels in Northern Virginia hover at around 66 percent during the hot summer season. If your air conditioner isn’t keeping you cool and dry, contact the pros at Commonwealth Cooling & Heating at (703) 436-8028. Our HVAC services are designed to keep you comfortable in every season.

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