News From The 2012 Chicago AHR Expo For Alexandria Residents

DEVAP, or Desiccant Enhanced Evaporative Air Conditioning was unveiled at the 2012 Chicago AHR Expo. It is a new technology designed to more effectively dehumidify the air while using far less electricity than other HVAC systems. In Alexandria, VA, the cost could be significant. The air conditioner reviews from the manufacturer report up to 80 percent less total energy use for these units than conventional air conditioning. Commonwealth Heating & Cooling is ready to help homeowners save on their utility costs. 

The AHR Expo showcased different HVAC companies and different products. Exhibitors were offering systems to help contractors with better dispatching. This will help technicians arrive to help customers sooner. Other vendors offered new thermostats, air conditioning systems and more. For customers, reading air conditioner reviews can help identify which HVAC system may work best in their home. Contacting a licensed HVAC contractor can help further narrow the search. The contractor can install insulation in the attic, maintain the ducting system and provide roof ventilation to help your system work more efficiently.

The DEVAP system works using two different systems. The first is a membrane containing a liquid desiccant. A desiccant is a substance that absorbs water. Good examples of this are rock salt and silica gel packets used in shoe boxes. The desiccant absorbs water from the air. The air is also passed over evaporator coils filled with cooled refrigerant. The temperature difference between the air and coolant produces condensation. Since the desiccant uses no energy to absorb water, far less electricity is needed. The exhibitors at the AHR Expo were proud to offer this new technology. According to their air conditioner reviews, this system could pay for itself in as little as three years. 

Commonwealth Cooling & Heating technicians are ready to help you compare air conditioner reviews, explain more technology offered at the AHR Expo and maintain your HVAC system. You can stay cool and save money in Alexandria, VA.

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